Friday, June 19, 2009


axiom part 2 (or a continuation of axiom part 1)


you can make up statistics to prove anything

33.8% of all voters know that

but my friend, it's
not the boat that truly turns

(or even the captain)

it's the tide

and what's in a movement of water that is standing still

and what's in words that makes me want to speak out

and say that it's

not the tide that should change

but the captain?


the walking man said...

The captain or the hand upon the tiller? Either would change the course of the ship. Well said Jon I join you in the spirit if this.

human being said...


this is truth that makes us speak out...

and we show PART of it through our words...

thanks for this post... your concern is really appreciated, my dear freind...

yes surely and obviously this is the tide that turns and moves...

but i do not see the tide agianst the boat... as i never see the waves against the rocks on the shore...

i see just two lovers trying to know each other to be ONE... to carry the other with them... not to defy them...

change comes to any soul... to any boat when we become aware of this truth...

and you know i do not believe much in captains and shepherds:

i just try my best so that more and more passengers understand that they are not on the boat just to watch or bask in the sun...
everyone has got a responsibility... and this makes EVERYONE on the boat of life a sailor...

then they know why and how to choose a captain... if one is needed...

and that's why i love my people more and more each day... they are trying more and more... even more than many that have got better circumstances... when they stand to get their votes back... it shows they are fully aware that their choice matters...

(games power plays are endless and we... every one of us in this world... come to know them one by one)

just we should become aware of our free will ... of our power to choose...
and this awareness brings the change... not just changing the captain...

have you read Animal Farm?

and change is not a big bang... it's a smooth flow... like love... no... not like love... it IS love...

love is change...
with love (x) becomes (y)...

that is what i believe... and said in my new post too:

again thanks for your concern and your beautiful thoughts you shared here...

sharing is all...

Harlequin said...

Jon-- thanks for this reflection... the sentiment here is so heartfelt. and HB's comments, as always, deepen and elaborate on the reflections and sentiments so many of us are experiencing as we witness the unfolding of change, both regardless and mindful of the pace and time of the world.
I am struck by how honest attempts at expression are such marvellous connectors...


This simple fact of life is very difficult for many of us.

We all cheerfully stand on one feet always to blame others but no body see any tiniest fault in himself. Great isn't it?

Mariana Soffer said...

we always whish that tides were changing
we always are expecting it
but the captain is easier to be left without blame

pd:I love that song

xxx said...


kj said...

you are a first class poet, jon.
this is simple and profound.

i am glad to read hb here. how i wish i could bring her tea...


the walking man said...

We are all concerned Jon. Be Well.

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Wow this is a really cool blog. Just checking out new ones and came across yours. Feel free to come check out my little artsy blog if you'd like.

Unknown said...

HI JON,:) looks of the box here have changed but the content is still made of precious thoughts.
thanks for sharing